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- Doctor of Philosophy, November 2023-Present Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen
- Bachelor of Science in Local Authorities, Anadolu University, Turkey, 2020-2022.
- Master of Science in Statistics, Valedictorian, GPA: 4.00 September 2017- August 2020 Middle East Technical University Thesis Title: Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Methods and Traditional Time Series Methods for forecasting, Under the supervision of Yozgatlıgil C.
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics, Valedictorian, GPA: 3.74 September 2012- June 2017 Middle East Technical University
Work experience
PhD Candidate & Teaching Assistant at Bernoullı Institute, University of Groningen, November 2023-Present
Weekly Columnist, T24, June 2024-Present
Researcher at Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council ARDEB 1001 Project, October 2021-November 2023
Co-Founder at VeriPie, April 2020-Present
Research and Teaching Assistant at Middle East Technical University Department of Statistics, November 2017-November 2023
Student Assistant at Middle East Technical University Department of Statistics, October 2016-May 2017
Summer Intern at Central Bank of Turkey Department of Banking and Financial Institution, July 2016 - a month
Summer Intern at Ministry of Treasury and Finance Department of Insurance and Actuarial Science, June 2016 - a month
Programming Skills
- R
- R Shiny
- Python
- Pytorch
- scikit-learn
- TensorFlow
- Minitab
- Tableau
- Flourish
- Latex
- Adobe Photoshop
Other Categories
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Stock Market Analysis
- Statistical Modelling
- Machine Learning Applications
- Deep Learning Applications
- COVID-19 Data Analysis
- Biostatistics
- Data Visualization
- Developing R and Python Applications
- Data-Based Policy Development
- Agile
Development of a Hand Robotic Mirror Therapy System Based on Motor Learning: (Work in progress) In this project, we propose a robotic hand rehabilitation system for hemiplegia patients based on fine grip movement. Tech: Python, Pytorch
Medium Term Wind Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning: In this study, medium term wind power predictions are performed by using Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU), Long Short Term Memory with attention, a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory architecture and Autoregressive Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network on the real life hourly production data set of a power plant operator to outperform the company’s model. company. Tech: Python, Pytorch(January’22)
House Price Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Case in Iowa: In this project, we aim to developan accurate regression model using tree-based algorithms and explain the type of information which has an impact on the houseprice. Tech: Python, sklearn (January’22)
Evaluation of Reading Skills in the Context of Gender: An Analysis with PISA 2018 Data: Examining the reading proficiency of girls and boys in Turkey by analyzing data from the International Student Program (PISA) 2018. Tech: SPSS, R Studio. (July ’21)
Visualization of Turkey Provinces: Contribution a project in Ozyegin University by drawing Turkey Map in R Tech: R Studio (April’21)
Özdemir, Ozancan & Yozgatligil, Ceylan. (2019). Makine Öğrenmesi Teknikleri ile Muğla ve Kütahya İllerindeki Deprem Büyüklüğünün ve Yönünün Tahminlenmesi.
Nur H. Orak, Ozancan Ozdemir, The impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on PM10 and SO2 concentrations and association with human mobility across Turkey, Environmental Research, Volume 197, 2021, 111018, ISSN 0013-9351,
Cavus, et al., "The R Journal: Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2021", {The R Journal}, 2021
Cin, Melis & Ilhan, Ali & Özdemir, Ozancan & Düşkün, Yeliz & Korlu, Özgenur. (2022). Okuma Becerilerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi PISA 2018 VERİLERİYLE BİR ANALİZ. 10.13140/RG.2.2.26165.35044.
Cavus, et al., "The R Journal: The Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2022: The First R Conference with Call For Papers in Turkey", The R Journal, 2022.
Özdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2023). Forecasting performance of machine learning, time series, and hybrid methods for low‐ and high‐frequency time series. Statistica Neerlandica.
O. Özdemir, “turkeyelections: The Most Comprehensive Initial R Package Developed on Election Results in Turkey”, JSAS, sy. 9, ss. 67–76, Haziran 2024, doi: 10.52693/jsas.1456233.
Ozdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2024). How to teach Data Visualization to Fresh Statisticians: A Case in Turkey. Journal of Data Applications. Paper ID 1472118 (Accepted)
Türkeş, M., Özdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2024). Forecasting drought phenomena using a statistical and Machine Learning‐Based analysis for the Central Anatolia Region, Turkey. International Journal of Climatology.
February 01, 2022
Talk at METU Statistics Club, Ankara, Turkey
March 01, 2022
Talk at TUMDER - Turkstat Member Association, Ankara, Turkey
June 01, 2023
Talk at TUMDER - SICSS Istanbul 2023 Day 5, Ankara, Turkey
June 01, 2024
Talk at AMALEA-Advances and Applications of Machine Learning and AI, Cetraro, ITALY
January 01, 2025
Talk at APPIS 2025 - Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas, Spain
Academic Reviewer
Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi, 2024.
Honors and Awards
- September 2019 Certificate, “Being the first among all master students at the Department of Statistics”, METU, Turkey
- June 2019 Award, “4. National Insurance and Actuary Congress Poster Competition Winner”,Turkey
- July 2017 Certificate, “Being the first among all bachelor students graduated from Department of Statistics”, METU, Turkey
- May 2017 Certificate, “Time Series Analysis and Applied Econometrics”,METU
- April 2017 Certificate, “14th International Statistics Colloquium”, Turkey Statistical Association, Turkey
- 2016-2017 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Dec 2016 Certificate, “Unilever, BizzTrip XI”, Istanbul, Turkey
- Nov 2016 Certificate, “BSH Big Data Mining Hackathon”, Istanbul, Turkey
- Oct 2016 Certificate, “Marketing Research and Analysis with SPSS”, METU
- April 2016 Certificate, “Project Development”, PMI Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2015 - 2016 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Mar 2015 Certificate, “Digital Media Expertise Seminar”, Bilge Adam,Ankara, Turkey
- 2014 - 2015 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Dec 2014 Certificate, “Leaders @ METU”, METU Management Club, METU
- 2013 - 2014 Dean’s Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Mar 2013 Certificate, “Campus Development Days”, IEEE METU, METU
Volunteer Experience
- Event Organizer at UseR2024 Salzburg: Organized one of the well-known event for R.
- Event Organizer at WhyR? Turkey 2021 Pre-Meeting, Turkey: Organized the biggest online R event in Turkey by seminars being about the usage of R in different fields and delivered them reaching over 2000 participants.-April 2021
- Member of Organizing Committee at WhyR? Turkey 2022, Turkey: Organized the first scientific conference specified for R in Turkey.-April 2022