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- Doctor of Philosophy, November 2023-Present Bernoulli Institute, University of Groningen
- Bachelor of Science in Local Authorities, Anadolu University, Turkey, 2020-2022.
- Master of Science in Statistics, Valedictorian, GPA: 4.00 September 2017- August 2020 Middle East Technical University Thesis Title: Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Methods and Traditional Time Series Methods for forecasting, Under the supervision of Yozgatlıgil C.
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics, Valedictorian, GPA: 3.74 September 2012- June 2017 Middle East Technical University
Work experience
PhD Candidate & Teaching Assistant at Bernoullı Institute, University of Groningen, November 2023-Present
Weekly Columnist, T24, June 2024-Present
Researcher at Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council ARDEB 1001 Project, October 2021-November 2023
Co-Founder at VeriPie, April 2020-Present
Research and Teaching Assistant at Middle East Technical University Department of Statistics, November 2017-November 2023
Student Assistant at Middle East Technical University Department of Statistics, October 2016-May 2017
Summer Intern at Central Bank of Turkey Department of Banking and Financial Institution, July 2016 - a month
Summer Intern at Ministry of Treasury and Finance Department of Insurance and Actuarial Science, June 2016 - a month
Programming Skills
- R
- R Shiny
- Python
- Pytorch
- scikit-learn
- TensorFlow
- Minitab
- Tableau
- Flourish
- Latex
- Adobe Photoshop
Other Categories
- Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- Stock Market Analysis
- Statistical Modelling
- Machine Learning Applications
- Deep Learning Applications
- COVID-19 Data Analysis
- Biostatistics
- Data Visualization
- Developing R and Python Applications
- Data-Based Policy Development
- Agile
Development of a Hand Robotic Mirror Therapy System Based on Motor Learning: (Work in progress) In this project, we propose a robotic hand rehabilitation system for hemiplegia patients based on fine grip movement. Tech: Python, Pytorch
Medium Term Wind Power Forecasting Using Deep Learning: In this study, medium term wind power predictions are performed by using Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU), Long Short Term Memory with attention, a hybrid Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short Term Memory architecture and Autoregressive Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network on the real life hourly production data set of a power plant operator to outperform the company’s model. company. Tech: Python, Pytorch(January’22)
House Price Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Case in Iowa: In this project, we aim to developan accurate regression model using tree-based algorithms and explain the type of information which has an impact on the houseprice. Tech: Python, sklearn (January’22)
Evaluation of Reading Skills in the Context of Gender: An Analysis with PISA 2018 Data: Examining the reading proficiency of girls and boys in Turkey by analyzing data from the International Student Program (PISA) 2018. Tech: SPSS, R Studio. (July ’21)
Visualization of Turkey Provinces: Contribution a project in Ozyegin University by drawing Turkey Map in R Tech: R Studio (April’21)
Özdemir, Ozancan & Yozgatligil, Ceylan. (2019). Makine Öğrenmesi Teknikleri ile Muğla ve Kütahya İllerindeki Deprem Büyüklüğünün ve Yönünün Tahminlenmesi.
Nur H. Orak, Ozancan Ozdemir, The impacts of COVID-19 lockdown on PM10 and SO2 concentrations and association with human mobility across Turkey, Environmental Research, Volume 197, 2021, 111018, ISSN 0013-9351,
Cavus, et al., "The R Journal: Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2021", {The R Journal}, 2021
Cin, Melis & Ilhan, Ali & Özdemir, Ozancan & Düşkün, Yeliz & Korlu, Özgenur. (2022). Okuma Becerilerinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi PISA 2018 VERİLERİYLE BİR ANALİZ. 10.13140/RG.2.2.26165.35044.
Cavus, et al., "The R Journal: The Conference Report of Why R? Turkey 2022: The First R Conference with Call For Papers in Turkey", The R Journal, 2022.
Özdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2023). Forecasting performance of machine learning, time series, and hybrid methods for low‐ and high‐frequency time series. Statistica Neerlandica.
O. Özdemir, “turkeyelections: The Most Comprehensive Initial R Package Developed on Election Results in Turkey”, JSAS, sy. 9, ss. 67–76, Haziran 2024, doi: 10.52693/jsas.1456233.
Özdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2024). How to teach Data Visualisation to Fresh Statisticians: A Case Study in Turkey. Journal of Data Applications, 3, 1-16.
Türkeş, M., Özdemir, O., & Yozgatlıgil, C. (2024). Forecasting drought phenomena using a statistical and Machine Learning‐Based analysis for the Central Anatolia Region, Turkey. International Journal of Climatology.
Evkaya, O. O., Kurnaz, F. S., Ozdemir, O., & Yigit, P. (2025). Leveraging ensemble and hybrid forecasting tools to increase accuracy: Turkey COVID-19 case study. SN Computer Science, 6(2).
February 01, 2022
Talk at METU Statistics Club, Ankara, Turkey
March 01, 2022
Talk at TUMDER - Turkstat Member Association, Ankara, Turkey
June 01, 2023
Talk at TUMDER - SICSS Istanbul 2023 Day 5, Ankara, Turkey
June 01, 2024
Talk at AMALEA-Advances and Applications of Machine Learning and AI, Cetraro, ITALY
January 01, 2025
Talk at APPIS 2025 - Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas, Spain
Academic Reviewer
Türk Deprem Araştırma Dergisi, 2024.
Honors and Awards
- September 2019 Certificate, “Being the first among all master students at the Department of Statistics”, METU, Turkey
- June 2019 Award, “4. National Insurance and Actuary Congress Poster Competition Winner”,Turkey
- July 2017 Certificate, “Being the first among all bachelor students graduated from Department of Statistics”, METU, Turkey
- May 2017 Certificate, “Time Series Analysis and Applied Econometrics”,METU
- April 2017 Certificate, “14th International Statistics Colloquium”, Turkey Statistical Association, Turkey
- 2016-2017 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Dec 2016 Certificate, “Unilever, BizzTrip XI”, Istanbul, Turkey
- Nov 2016 Certificate, “BSH Big Data Mining Hackathon”, Istanbul, Turkey
- Oct 2016 Certificate, “Marketing Research and Analysis with SPSS”, METU
- April 2016 Certificate, “Project Development”, PMI Turkey, Istanbul, Turkey
- 2015 - 2016 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Mar 2015 Certificate, “Digital Media Expertise Seminar”, Bilge Adam,Ankara, Turkey
- 2014 - 2015 Dean’s High Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Dec 2014 Certificate, “Leaders @ METU”, METU Management Club, METU
- 2013 - 2014 Dean’s Honor List, METU (Both Fall and Spring semesters)
- Mar 2013 Certificate, “Campus Development Days”, IEEE METU, METU
Volunteer Experience
- Event Organizer at UseR2024 Salzburg: Organized one of the well-known event for R.
- Event Organizer at WhyR? Turkey 2021 Pre-Meeting, Turkey: Organized the biggest online R event in Turkey by seminars being about the usage of R in different fields and delivered them reaching over 2000 participants.-April 2021
- Member of Organizing Committee at WhyR? Turkey 2022, Turkey: Organized the first scientific conference specified for R in Turkey.-April 2022